Monday/Tuesday, December 26th/27th 2011

It’s been just over two months to the day since we started this blog. And the blog itself was started almost one month after we first got the news that Annie’s cancer had returned. In some ways it feels like a long time ago. One of my earliest memories ‘back then’ was of the way God had moved many of the women at Manor Park (and some women from other churches) to pray for us. Continue reading

Happy Christmas

Just a very brief blog entry to send our love with the hope that you have a very joyful Christmas. A hope that can only be fulfilled and a joy that can only be experienced by receiving forgiveness for sins, which comes only through faith in God’s only Son. His name is Jesus. And He alone has dealt with the punishment for sin. No one receives forgiveness for sins without Him. No one comes to the Father except by Him. He no longer is Jesus the babe in the manger; He no longer hangs on the cross; He no longer lies in the grave. Now Jesus, the King of kings is seated at the right hand of the Father and death and sin lie crushed beneath His feet.

By His Amazing Grace and Mercy,



Sunday, December 18th – Friday, December 23rd 2011

It’s been almost a week since I last wrote and I know some followers of the blog have been concerned – even worried – about the silence. So I thought that I ought to take a moment to let you know that all is well. I figured that people would be busy during the week leading up to Christmas, but I am touched by the number of folks who have enquired about an update during this time.

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Friday/Saturday, December 16th/17th 2011

I remember a time when Annie and I would easily wish away the days and weeks in excited anticipation of an upcoming event. It might have been a holiday, a birthday, an evening out with friends or the next season or episode of Lost(!)… Whatever the event, the days and weeks in between could be nothing more than vehicles to get you there; empty squares in a diary that stood in between now and the squares filled with capital letters and exclamation marks!

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The Gospel of Christmas

The Christmas season has always been an especially busy time of the year for Annie and I. That’s because as Christians, Christmas is one of the greatest seasons of gospel opportunity. Usually by December 24th we’re both saying to one another: “Next year, we really need to try harder not to take as much on.”  Continue reading

Wednesday/Thursday, December 7th/8th 2011

One sunny afternoon in May 2001 I remember calling up Annie (then my fiancee) on my lunch break to tell her about the odd conversation that I had with the solicitor who was then taking care of all the legal proceedings that were required before owning a house and getting married. It was all very new to us. We had no experience with solicitors emphasised by the fact that we knew none of the endless jokes about the profession. The bit of that conversation that I found odd was talking about a will.

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